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Tybo 2 - NEVADA PLACER MINING CLAIM FOR SALE  A 20 acre Colluvial / Alluvial deposit located  at the lower fan of Tybo canyon and mining district. Silver, lead,zinc, copper and gold were sampled in the sulfide rich layers of the colluvium deposit which is a secondary type deposit that was washed down over many years from the mines that are up the narrow canyon, starting around 1885 . history also indicated that the early miners were unable at the time to process all the sulfide ore which eventually was washed down the canyon and on to the benches below . these layers  are up to 8' thick in the drainage . access to the claim is a good road and digging is easy . tybo creek is a dry creek that may only get water seasonally if at all in this current drought. classifying material and taking else were to process may be required without bringing water in . drywashing may work well once the ground drys up as well in spring . we did find some speck gold amalgamated with  mercury and tons of sulfides (pyrites) this is the material that will be worked   . this claim will get snow covered off and on throughout winter .contact me prior to any sampling for permission and directions   $3995

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